Saturday, December 15, 2007

SLB School studies -Some thoughts

While thinking about my school.In our class in 6th standard we dont have any teacher for History&Geography .My midterm exam mark for History&geography was 4 marks.I was difficult to adapt myself to the sudden medium change from Tamil medium to English medium.

Those days in SLB school there was a common attitude with the masters being a big school in town they will take students for granted that they will study on their own without proper teaching. But I remember Neelasamy nadar is an exception .He was the only person atleast identified my problem and sensed my weakness and informed my parents correctly.I was not very happy those days and why this man is coming to my home and complaining about me.He is a maths teacher for my class.I would think why he is bothered about me.I heard similar experience with many.He is a good class teacher .He never tease or insult any body..But canne us as and when required to shape you....Now I feel out of the teachers I had crossed in SLB ...He is the first to come to my memory ...

I remember one master used to keep tamil selction guide at his right hand side and English selection guide at his left hand side and read to the students.This is defined as teaching ..He is called K.kallan.I remember one master asking us to buy selection guide for us to study English.One master indirectly insist students to Join in his tuition ..One master will take lunch in a big banana leaf in front of students and sleep in chair.One master always go behind the head master and act as like his PA and do all his personal jobs.Some masters have a very bad habit of making students to stand and tease in front of every students...One master for silly reasons behave very hysterically slap students and break the spine...Now nearly 20years after I feel all such teaching practices are completely wrong...They have taken students like us for granted.I dont know about the teaching practice of SLB now..

Except a very few teachers like NEELASAMY NADAR and PRAJAVTAHI TEACHER who really care for their students.Thats why I remember SLB School.If any one have any other view you can always share your thoughts.