Nanguneri is a Taluk Headquarterse in the District of Tirunelveli situated at a distance of 18 miles (29 km) from the headpquarters of the District.If you are travelling by bus it will took around 20-25 minutes journey by bus from the new buststand Tirunelveli.
Nanguneri the much hyped SEZ project and expected to bring the indutrial importance to southern Districts particularly Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli DT.Bhoomi puja had done on May 1 ,2008.The investment to the tune of Rs. 15,000 crore will bring about a transformation in the southern region in near future.Expected to give around 70,000 employee opportunities direct and indirect employement.If the former central minister Murasoli Maran's dream become true.
Please see the photographs.
Fly over bridge under construction.

The bigger 4 lane roads

Infrastructure setup and the project site of AMR group promoted by Tidco.

Reliance Petrol bunk

Slow pace of work...

The busiest sub registrar office once up on a time very less active ...Now bee line of people for registration.Expected to happen approximately 150 registration per day..The office works up to 8'o clock ...because of the real estate development happening over the place.

The other side view of the fly over bridge under construction.

Temple near to Taluk office.

Through Nanguneri Roads

A small mess.You cant imagine such a nice home made simple lunch provided at this small mess in any place in Bangalore or Chennai.Very tasty and very economical. People would love this tasty food particularly people who missed their native town.The food will be available only for a specific time in the after noon.We can say providing such a nice quality food at a very economical rate is also a service.

See more view on Nanguneri by some real estate promoters in Youtube.
Nanguneri the much hyped SEZ project and expected to bring the indutrial importance to southern Districts particularly Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli DT.Bhoomi puja had done on May 1 ,2008.The investment to the tune of Rs. 15,000 crore will bring about a transformation in the southern region in near future.Expected to give around 70,000 employee opportunities direct and indirect employement.If the former central minister Murasoli Maran's dream become true.
Please see the photographs.
Fly over bridge under construction.
The bigger 4 lane roads
Infrastructure setup and the project site of AMR group promoted by Tidco.
Reliance Petrol bunk
Slow pace of work...
The busiest sub registrar office once up on a time very less active ...Now bee line of people for registration.Expected to happen approximately 150 registration per day..The office works up to 8'o clock ...because of the real estate development happening over the place.
The other side view of the fly over bridge under construction.
Temple near to Taluk office.
Through Nanguneri Roads
A small mess.You cant imagine such a nice home made simple lunch provided at this small mess in any place in Bangalore or Chennai.Very tasty and very economical. People would love this tasty food particularly people who missed their native town.The food will be available only for a specific time in the after noon.We can say providing such a nice quality food at a very economical rate is also a service.
See more view on Nanguneri by some real estate promoters in Youtube.